Want to find out more about our advanced digital manufacturing services? Take a look behind the scenes, gain some insider tips, industry insights and more with our short videos.
Insight: DMLS Material Selection
Insight – In our weekly Insight Videos, we give you practical advice to help you design better parts.
Our Insight video series will help you master digital manufacturing. In this video we look at and compare materials used for metal laser sintering, focusing on stainless steel, aluminium and Inconel 718. Also defining common properties found on datasheets such as; tensile strength, tensile modulus, elongation, heat deflection and hardness.
The Evolution of a Digital Manufacturing Platform
Protolabs’ new digital quoting platform is an exciting customer experience. It’s a completely new digital manufacturing platform that brings much more in functionality and reduces significantly the time it takes to get your products to market.
What's changing by service line: Injection moulding
In this video we showcase what’s changed for injection moulding in the new platform.
What's changing by service line: 3D printing
In this video we showcase what’s changed for 3D printing in the new platform.
What's changing by service line: CNC machining
In this video we showcase what’s changed for CNC machining in the new platform.
Why Change is Good: The Evolution of a Digital Manufacturing Platform
We want to reassure you that the things you’ve enjoyed about our previous platform are not going anywhere, they’ve just improved.
How to: Quoting, Design Analysis, and Part Ordering
We want to show you around the platform a bit and highlight some of the key features around navigation, organisation, collaboration, and other elements.
How to: A Deep Dive into Design Analysis
We want to delve deeper into the new platform and show you a more in-depth look at our automated, interactive design analysis.
Injection Moulding
Plastic injection moulding, liquid silicone rubber moulding or overmoulding / insert moulding... which process is right for you project?
Injection Moulding - Hidden Truths
We take a look at some of the hidden truths about injection moulding and discuss why you would want to choose aluminium over steel for your mould tool.
Injection Moulding Hidden Truths - Part 2
In this second part of our hidden truths series, we discuss supplier efficiencies and how we've been able to achieve our unprecedented speeds.
Reinventing Manufacturing with Injection Moulding
We all know that in today's fast paced market place, speed is the key to success. So how can can you utilise rapid injection moulding to ensure you product gets to market fast?
CNC Machining
CNC Machining Process and Capability
Quick-turn CNC machining works best for rapid prototyping, form and fit testing, jigs and fixtures, and functional components for end-use applications. We have hundreds of high-speed CNC machines that manufacture parts on time, every time.
Will Leah discusses why you might choose CNC machining and how this subtractive manufacturing process could save you time and money.
CNC machining: Speeding up development time
In this interview with Ray Reynolds (Account Manager, Protolabs), we discuss why you might consider CNC machining for rapid prototyping.
3D Printing
3D Printing Processes and capabilities
Industrial 3D printing is great for functional - rapid prototypes, complex designs, reducing multipart assemblies, and end-use applications. Our rigorous quality control measures and commercial-grade equipment create highly precise parts every single time.
Stereolithography (SL) works by using an ultraviolet (UV) laser that draws on the surface of paper-thin layers of thermoset liquid resin, creating solid layers.
Which Technology for Your Plastic Part?
Here at Protolabs we offer a variety of cutting-edge technologies to produce precision-engineered parts from a range of plastics, designed to suit your needs.
Differences in Major Material Types
Creating parts using 3D printing is easier than ever before, and prototyping and making design changes is fast, affordable and intuitive.
Multi Jet Fusion: What is This Used For?
For fast, quality results, MultiJet Fusion (MJF) is unparalleled as a 3D printing process, and it's able to produce functional nylon prototypes and end-use production parts in a single day.
3D Printing is creating a whole new world of manufacturing, with the ability to create complex designs with quality and precision and deliver faster, more affordable results.
Ideal for medical devices and components, PolyJet 3D printing is able to create multi-material prototypes combining both rigid and elastomeric materials.
Polypropylene - PP Natural: What is it used for?
One of the most commonly used plastics worldwide can now be 3D printed in SLS. High durability whilst both tough and flexible. Useful for both functioning prototypes and end use products.
Streamlining the manufacturing process
Watch an initial concept for a product move from sketch to 3D CAD model to final part. Once a design is uploaded at Protolabs, we provide an interactive quote with real-time pricing information and manufacturability feedback within hours.
ProtoQuote with Design Analysis
Product designers and engineers can upload a 3D CAD model online at any time to receive an interactive ProtoQuote® with free design for manufacturability (DFM) analysis and real-time pricing information within hours.
Lean Manufacturing in a Digital Age
Damian Hennessey, Global Sales Director - Protolabs, speaks to The Engineer magazine about how a decades old concept is now doubly relevant in the modern age of digital manufacturing.