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gd&t example
Tech Tips
April 11, 2022

Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing in Injection-molded Parts

GD&T is an industry standard symbolic language used to communicate allowable geometric represents the evolution of the CTQ quality inspection process.
By Protolabs
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Finishing Options for Sheet Metal Parts
MFG 360
April 7, 2022

Benefits and Considerations for Sheet Metal Part Finishing

Finishing options for sheet metal vary depending on your needs. For instance, are you looking for an aesthetically pleasing part, a part that needs to withstand environmental challenges and wear, or are you testing overall functionality?
By Amanda Tierney
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Award-winning Freedom of Choice with National Association of Manufacturers
Industry 4.0
April 4, 2022

Award-winning Freedom of Choice with National Association of Manufacturers

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) recently awarded us with a 2022 Leadership Award in the Collaborative Ecosystems category. This is the eighth straight year in which we’ve won a Leadership Award, including last year’s award for our sustainability efforts.
By Protolabs
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clear 3d printed parts
Tech Tips
March 21, 2022

SLA vs. SLS: Comparing Plastic 3D Printing Technologies

An in-depth comparison of two popular 3D printing technologies: stereolithography (SLA) and selective laser sinter (SLS).
By Molly DeZurik
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pie chart of events
MFG 360
March 14, 2022

Preparing for the Next Black Swan Event

It is not a question of if but rather when will the next black swan event hit the globalized supply chain. And it is critical that companies learn from the last couple of years and develop an agile supply chain network that delivers value, reduces risk, and is not just driven by cost.
By Gurvinder Singh
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1018 vs. 4140 Steel material blocks
Materials Science
March 1, 2022

1018 vs. 4140 Steel: Choosing Between Two Great Metals

1018 and 4140 steel are two popular material choices. Here are factors to consider when choosing between the two.
By Protolabs
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parts finishing department for 3d printing
Tech Tips
February 19, 2022

How to Improve 3D Printing Surface Finish Quality

It’s no secret that 3D printing processes don’t produce injection molding-quality surface finishes right off the printer, but there is good news. Technologies exist to help, and there are new developments all the time.
By Rachel Hunt
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Self Driving Taxis used at 2022 Winter Olympics
Eye on Innovation
January 31, 2022

Beijing Winter Olympics’ Tech Includes Robots, Broadcast Enhancements, and an Open Internet

Every two years, the Olympic Games provide a chance to show off athletic prowess. It has also become a way for countries to show off their technological advancement. The 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games in Beijing are no exception.
By Protolabs
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Commercial Fleet Vehicles, Heavy Equipment Sectors Plug in to Electric Future
Industry Spotlight
January 27, 2022

Commercial Fleet Vehicles, Heavy Equipment Sectors Plug in to Electric Future

Electric power seems especially well-suited for commercial vehicles. Unlike cars, there’s less range anxiety because these vehicles are driven along fixed or planned city routes all day and then return to garages at night for charging.
By Gurvinder Singh
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Chamfers and Radii on Sheet Metal Parts
Tech Tips
January 13, 2022

Cutting Corners on Sheet Metal Parts: Chamfers & Radii

Cutting corners isn’t always a bad thing when it comes to sheet metal parts. Design elements that round or bevel corners, such as chamfers and radii, not only add aesthetic value, but also provide improved safety for end users.
By Protolabs
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Digging Under the Feathers of BattleBot DUCK!
MFG 360
January 4, 2022

Digging Under the Feathers of BattleBot DUCK!

It’s that time of year again, time for the BattleBots to go at it to see who is the fiercest in the BattleBox. For the third time, Protolabs is powering DUCK!, the 250-pound, low-riding, and somewhat adorable competitor from Team Black and Blue.
By Steve Konick
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Nylon vs Delrin
Materials Science
December 23, 2021

Nylon vs. Delrin: Strong, Durable Materials Ideal for High-Wear Applications

These hard, versatile materials are perfect for use in projects that require high resistance to wear, abrasion, and chemicals.
By Protolabs
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