Cobalt Chrome 3D Printing

3D-printed Cobalt Chrome offers a high strength-to-weight ratio and excellent creep and corrosion resistance

cobalt chrome 3d-printed part

Cobalt Chrome (Co28Cr6Mo) is a superalloy comprised primarily of cobalt and chromium. It's high tensile strength and resistance to creep and corrosion makes it a good material choice for aerospace components and medical instrumentation.

Primary Benefits

  • High performance tensile and creep
  • Corrosion resistance


Cobalt Chrome (Co28Cr6Mo) Material Properties


Resolution Condition UTS Yield Stress Elongation  Hardness
Cobalt Chrome
20 μm As Built 182 ksi 112 ksi 17% 39 HRC
30 μm As Built 176 ksi 119 ksi 14% 38 HRC


Resolution Condition UTS Yield Stress Elongation  Hardness
Cobalt Chrome
20 μm As Built 1255 MPa 772 MPa 17% 39 HRC
30 μm As Built 1213 MPa 820 MPa 14% 38 HRC

Applications for 3D-Printed Cobalt Chrome

Cobalt Chrome is often used in high temperature applications where corrosion resistance is needed. Examples include:

  • Turbine engines
  • Industrial equipment
  • Medical and dental prototyping
  • Fuel nozzles

metal 3d printers for cobalt chrome

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