Stainless Steel 3D Printing

Stainless steel is a corrosion resistant metal with high hardness and strength

Stainless steel is a corrosion resistance metal with high hardness making it a versatile material option. We offer two grades of stainless steel through our 3D printing service:

Stainless Steel 17-4 PH
Select 17-4 PH for its significantly higher tensile strength and yield strength, but recognize that it has far less elongation at break than 316L. Final parts built 17-4 PH receive vacuum solution heat treatment as well as H900 aging.

Primary Benefits

  • Heat treated for full hardness and strength
  • Corrosion resistance

Stainless Steel 316L
Choose 316L when stainless steel flexibility is needed; 316L is a more malleable material compared to 17-4 PH. Final parts built in 316L receive stress relief application.

Primary Benefits

  • Acid and corrosion resistance
  • High ductility

Compare Stainless Steel Properties

Materials Resolution Condition UTS Yield Stress Elongation  Hardness
Stainless Steel
(17-4 PH)
20 μm Solution & Aged (H900) 199 ksi 178 ksi 10% 42 HRC
30 μm Solution & Aged (H900) 198 ksi 179 ksi 13% 42 HRC
Stainless Steel
20 μm Stress Relieved 89 ksi 73 ksi  55% 94 HRB
30 μm Stress Relieved 92 ksi 72 ksi 58% 94 HRB
Materials Resolution Condition UTS Yield Stress Elongation  Hardness
Stainless Steel
(17-4 PH)
20 μm Solution & Aged (H900) 1372 MPa 1227 MPa 10% 42 HRC
30 μm Solution & Aged (H900) 1365 MPa 1234 MPa 13% 42 HRC
Stainless Steel
20 μm Stress Relieved 614 Mpa 503 MPa 55% 94 HRB
30 μm Stress Relieved 634 MPa 496 MPa 58% 94 HRB

Applications for 3D-Printed Stainless Steel

Stainless steel's corrosion resistance and hardness makes it well suited for components used in the aerospace, medical, and automotive industries. Examples include:

  • Surgical instrumentation
  • Fuel injectors
  • Engine components
  • Manufacturing aids

Metal 3D Printers

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