PolyJet part

PolyJet 3D Printing Service

Get 3D-printed elastomeric parts within days. Request an online quote today.

Certifications ISO 9001:2015 | ITAR

PolyJet is an industrial 3D printing process that builds multi-material prototypes with flexible features and complex parts with intricate geometries in as fast as 1 day. A range of hardnesses (durometers) are available, which work well for components with elastomeric features like gaskets, seals, and housings.

Common applications for PolyJet 3D printing:

  • prototyping designs for overmolding or silicone rubber parts
  • combining two colors or durometers into a single part
  • simulating elastomers or flexible parts

clear 3d printed part

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3D Printing Surface Finish Guide

Get this quick reference guide to explore your surface finish options across our six 3D printing technologies.

PolyJet Design Guidelines and Capabilities

Our basic guidelines for PolyJet include important design considerations to help improve part manufacturability, enhance cosmetic appearance, and reduce overall production time.

  US Metric 
Maximum Part Size 19.3 in. x 15.4 in. x 7.9 in. 490mm x 390mm x 200mm
Layer Thickness 0.00118 in. 30 microns
Minimum Feature Size 0.012 in. 0.3mm
Minimum Freestanding Wall, Hole, or Channel Size 0.030 in. 0.76mm

Tolerances for PolyJet:
For well-designed parts, tolerances of ±0.005 (0.1mm) for the first inch plus 0.1% of nominal length can typically be achieved. Note that tolerances may change depending on part geometry.

polyjet 3d printed part

PolyJet Material Options

PolyJet provides the ability to choose a desired hardness or combine material properties into a single build, which makes it ideal for prototyping overmolding parts. Shore A hardnesses of 30A, 40A, 50A, 60A, 70A, 85A, 95A, and rigid are available in these colors:

  • Digital Clear/Translucent
  • Digital Black
  • Digital White

Learn more about PolyJet materials

Compare PolyJet Material Properties

Material Tensile Tear Strength Tensile Strength Elongation
30A 85 psi 399 psi 245%
40A 100 psi 508 psi 200%
50A 114 psi 508 psi 190%
60A 121 psi 580 psi 160%
70A 185 psi 725 psi 130%
85A 341 psi 1,088 psi 80%
95A 398 psi 1,740 psi 60%
Rigid n/a 8,702 psi 17.5%


Material Tensile Tear Strength Tensile Strength Elongation
30A 0.59 MPa 2.75 MPa 245%
40A 0.69 MPa 3.5 MPa 200%
50A 0.79 MPa 3.5 MPa 190%
60A 0.83 Mpa 4.0 Mpa 160%
70A 1.28 Mpa 5.0 Mpa 130%
85A 2.35 Mpa 7.5 Mpa 80%
95A 2.74 Mpa 12.0 Mpa 60%
Rigid n/a 60.0 Mpa 17.5%


These figures are approximate and dependent on a number of factors, including but not limited to, machine and process parameters. The information provided is therefore not binding and not deemed to be certified. When performance is critical, also consider independent lab testing of additive materials or final parts.

Our PolyJet 3D Printers

We use multiple additive machines that offer large build sizes, accurate parts, and quick production times. Our PolyJet equipment consists of:

  • Objet260 Connex3
  • Objet350 Connex3

How Does PolyJet 3D Printing Work?

The PolyJet process begins by spraying small droplets of liquid photopolymers in layers that are instantly UV cured. Voxels (three-dimensional pixels) are strategically placed during the build, which allow for the combination of both flexible and rigid photopolymers know as digital materials. Each voxel has a vertical thickness equal to the layer thickness of 30 microns. The fine layers of digital materials accumulate on the build platform to create accurate 3D-printed parts.

Each PolyJet part is completely coated in support material during the build, which ultimately is removed by hand using a pressurized water stream and a chemical solution bath. No post-curing is required after the manufacturing process.


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