High-Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) CNC Machining

HIPS is an affordable materials that is easily milled, making it an ideal materials for prototyping. 

What is HIPS?

HIPS, a high-impact version of polystyrene (PS), is a low-cost material that is easy to machine and fabricate. It is often specified for low-strength structural applications for which impact resistance, machinability, and low cost are a necessity. Thanks to its dimensional stability, ease of fabrication, and the ability to accept paint and glue, HIPS is often used for machining pre- production prototypes. When you use a translucent white (natural) grade, it is FDA compliant in food processing applications.

Key Benefits of High-Impact Polystyrene

  • Easy to paint and glue
  • Excellent aesthetics
  • Excellent machinability
  • FDA compliant
  • Good dimensional stability
  • Good impact resistance
  • Low cost

Applications for High-Impact Polystyrene

  • Covers 
  • Housing
  • Low-strength structural components
  • Machined prototypes

Properties of High-Impact Polystyrene


  Ultimate Tensile Strength (D638) Impact Strength (D256) Heat Deflection (D648) More Information
High-Impact Polystyrene > 3.0 KSI 2.8 ft-lb/in. 185° F Data Sheet
  Ultimate Tensile Strength (D638) Impact Strength (D256) Heat Deflection (D648) More Information
High-Impact Polystyrene > 30.5 MPa 149.5 J/m 85° C Data Sheet
cnc machining process

Design Guidelines 

Ensure that your features allow for easy release of chips to avoid clogging your mills and burning material. Tight radii and sharp corners can cause stress and cracking and should be avoided. Using fillets and smooth transitions will improve your HIPS parts.